Before a man attempts to fly
to walk upright he should try.
Hier gibt es eine deutsche Version dieser Seite.

drawLaT 1.4 is a shareware program for drawing and editing atom lattices running under MS-Windows 3.1 or higher. For more details and to download the program go to the drawLaT - Introduction page! For a first impression, what you can do with drawLaT, take a look at the images and animations in the drawLaT 1.4 gallery! Since 2002 registrations of the shareware version are no longer possible. You can use the program now as freeware. Simply copy this registration file into the drawLaT directory after the installation of the program. Some mathematical basics and algorithms which are used in drawLaT are on my (german) drawMath page.

For friends of Magic Eye Pictures there is this page with images and animations (+ some mathematics and source code for the serious student).

You can find more computer designed pictures on my 100%-appleman-free Fractal Page (there is also some source code here).

If you're asking "How did this guy make the background of his page?", then take this little FREEWARE program (running under MS Windows 3.1 or higher) to create your own ornaments like the background of this page. Just download and unzip the file and have fun! For more examples visit the Ornament Background Pages!

All passionated gamblers should try this brain breakin' SHAREWARE program (for thinkers only!): "7 by one stroke !" are 4 × ( 7 + 1 ) games in one (running under MS Windows 3.1 or higher) which will challange your intellect. Just copy the file (910 KB) (bilingual) or go first to the 7 - by - one - stroke - story - page to become a little bit familiar with it! Or even better: Play the games online! Mind games, card games, word games or puzzles - there is something for everyone! There are now more than 100 JavaScript online games. And for the puzzle lovers: Check out my collection of Thirty Associative Puzzles (with highscores).

For the friends of chess: LT-PGN-VIEWER is a free javascript pgn viewer, to view and replay chess games in web pages. With the newest version you can also generate HTML pages from annotated games with variants.

The JavaScript Diagram Builder is a free library of objects and functions, to draw coordinate diagrams in web pages. Bars, lines, dots and areas can be displayed and can also (by user interaction) dynamically be changed. Now also as PHP and ASP script available.

SVG-VML-3D is a free JavaScript library, to draw (and manipulate) 3D objects in webpages. The library either uses SVG (Internet Explorer) or SVG (otherwise) for drawing. The 3D objects can be manipulated (roteted, shifted, etc.) by JavaScript functions, which are provided by the library. The mathematical background is available for the interested reader.

The PLT package consists of several independent programs (all in GERMAN), which can be used to solve Operations Research and Management Science problems. The programs run under Windows 3.1 or higher and have been developed from 1996 to 1998. With the programs comes a great number of files with sample problems, which were taken from lessons and examinations at my former university.

Here are some Goodies - several small but useful (at least for me) scripts:
codetester, highlightcode, php dir listing,
russian textpad, nifty html chars, JS Code39

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or dial: 0(49)-371-3557842
or sign my guestbook

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